Tarkkasilmäisimmän huomasivatkin, että näissä maanantaiaamun aktivaattoreissa meni keväällä numerot sekaisin. Tarkoituksella:) Tässä tuo välistä jäänyt viesti alkuperäisenä versionaan.
Laura Stack is America's premier expert in personal productivity. Since 1992, she has presented keynotes and seminars on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in today's workplaces. She is the bestselling author of four books, including SuperCompetent. To learn more about Laura, visit www.TheProductivityPro.com.
Journal your meeting notes. Many people don't know how to use the Journal feature in Outlook or even what it's for! If you've ever accidentally clicked it, you'll get a pop-up box that asks you if you're SURE you want to turn on the Journal. Most people freak out and click NO. Next time, click yes. Open a new Journal entry, type up your meeting notes, put in the day/time of the meeting, indicate in the Contacts field who was at the meeting, and select a Category for the meeting name or project. When you select that Contact and click the Activities tab, you'll be able to see the Journal entries (notes) from every meeting you've ever had with that person. You can also pull up your Journal entries by Category to review meeting notes as far back as you'd like. OR give your notes to your assistant, have him type them up in the text field of the original meeting notice, save, and send a message to attendees (under Actions).Mitä jäi mieleen? Mieluummin Suomeksi, vaiko englanniksi?
Laura Stack is America's premier expert in personal productivity. Since 1992, she has presented keynotes and seminars on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in today's workplaces. She is the bestselling author of four books, including SuperCompetent. To learn more about Laura, visit www.TheProductivityPro.com.
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